Obstetrics Dep,Gynecology Dep,Pediatrics Dep,Children Health Center,Postpartum Care Center,Pelvic Floor Disfunction Center,Gynecological Private Anti-Aging Center,etc.
涉外医疗就诊位置 Location
International Clinic on the ground floor.
外籍人员就诊需携带材料 Documents Required for Foreign Patients
Please offer medical insurance information for an appointment,and bring the insurance card and passport of the patient when visiting.
国际直付保险合作机构 Insurance Direct Billing
就诊预约电话 Make an Appointment(Tel)
024-31925210 (周一至周五 08:00-17:00)
18642073957 (24小时)
024-31925210 (Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00)
18642073957 (24 hours)